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First short-term exchanges of
groups of pupils

The first event for Learning Training and Teaching activities organized in Mulhouse

C6-C9 ​Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils: Bienvenue

This first event for pupils allows partners of the project to :
1) Learn and improve practical works about soap : manufacturing on ATEX Platform, testing quality and antiobiotic abilities
2) Discover companies involved in Sustainability
3) Discover cultural environment


Discovery of the Regio tri Rhena

Lavoisier high school is located in the Regio Tri Rhena, a border region, near Germany and Switzerland.
The chemical industry has been established in this space since the 19th century. This is evidenced by the National School of Chemistry of Mulhouse, which is celebrating its 200th anniversary in 2022.
This part of the University has created a specialty in green chemistry and demonstrates the will of the entire sector to enter into sustainable development.


Learning training and teaching in Lavoisier high school

Experiments of new pedagogical practices about sustainability : measurement of carbon footprint in Economic and Social Sciences, labworks in Chemistry, in Biochemistry and in the process engineering platform.

C6-C9 ​Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils: Autres projets
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