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First short term joint staff training event

Three events are planned in the project to train staff in new practices and to prepare activities for dissemination among partners.

C1 Short term joint staff training event: Bienvenue

This first training event enabled the teams of the three schools to launch the project and organize the first "LTT" activities : Learning, Training and Teaching.

Main objective: Botanical aspects of sustainable soap (raw materials)

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Botanical and artisanal heritage
Mount Ida

Visit of the hinterland of Canakkale, with these hundreds of endemic plant species,
Discovery of traditionnal activities around Çanakkale: local crafts (oil press, traditional soap maker).


About sustainabilty in the school environment

Observation of pedagogical practices (especially digital with the use of large touch screens)
Visit of Canakkale University (plant protection department)
Elaboration and testing of the first practical work protocols for making soap

C1 Short term joint staff training event: Autres projets

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